Money Saving Tips to Decorate your Home during Quarantine

This quarantine, I have done a lot of things and one of those is becoming an interior designer and buying more home decor. Here are tips on how to save money and score deals while elevating your home space.

  1. Find what you can use at home.

This is what we have taken for granted, that some things we have at home can fit our interior design aesthetic. Like the other day, I was looking for vases only for my flowers (became a flower mum too this quarantine) but then I found some of the items online that are too pricey + shipping fee. Then I realized that I have amber bottles that I purchased like the Aesop bottle (*minimalist aesthetic*) and a shampoo bottle from Watsons (I just removed the label) that matches the aesthetic that I’m going for.

2. Paint on it (Do It Yourself!)

I used to do oil painting lessons as a kid, I was bored during quarantine so I opted to get back to painting since I recently been obsessed with line art and it’s a thing now to hang paintings and tapestry. I did oil painting again after so many years, I just invested on the materials though. I plan to do more painting in the future like paint over my empty wine bottles to use as decor and more (whatever i could think of). Some online stores recycle products and paint them, then sell as home decor and I was like, I can do that!

3. If you’re not picky, ask if the seller if they have defect items

I got a great deal on a home decor product with not that much defect and scored a cheaper price. *Please ask nicely to the seller*

4. Find the supplier online.

This requires a whole lot of patience and  *luck*. I was able to find cheaper deals on Lazada and suppliers on some FB pages (There are groups on facebook). As you’ve seen on instagram, some online stores can be pricey (ofcourse, mark up + shipping), I was able to compare prices and some may surprise you on how you can save more but you have to make sure the supplier is legit – check out reviews and tags. You can professionally message the customers and ask for feedback from them ( just be polite and be grateful).

5. Not an option ATM since it’s quarantine (Stay at home!) – *If you can* go to a local market place.

I haven’t been  to one  yet but i’m itching to go to one, I heard Dapitan is the go to place. If you are doing your grocery shopping at Ayala malls (or any mall/supermarket). Swing by at  Landmark (any home department/area), I heard they have affordable home decor and kitchen ware  – you just need to have an eye for things + patience. More place recos comment below 🙂

6. Shop preloved items

Another online business soaring nowadays, since people have a lot of time now. A lot of us have been Marie Kondo-ing our homes and sell stuff that we don’t need. A number of people now opt to save also so they would prefer to score cheaper deals.

*Shamelss plug: Please check my preloved online store @shoplikekrizzzie on instagram*

When I was younger I don’t appreciate these stuff before but now it’s like the home catalogue section/ area is my go to now. When I search online, I look for home stuff now too. I guess it’s really part of adulting, building an aesthetic and staying at home most of the time during quarantine.  Hope these tips were useful!

Love & light,
